Creative Retirement Planning Workshop for Professional Women

Tired of every other financial advisor just moving your money from one investment to another and telling you to stop buying your favorite coffee? When you work with me, we'll first look at your vision of your ideal life at retirement, then explore different financial solutions to help you use doing what you love to save on taxes so you can keep more of your hard-earned money!

Canada Pension Plan – Should You Take it Early?

The new rules governing CPP were introduced in 2012 and they take full effect in 2016. The standard question regarding CPP remains the same - should I take it early or wait? We outline the reasons to take your CPP early or delay your CPP in this article.

A Tax Savings Solution Using a Corporate Health Plan

The small business corporate tax rates can be quite a bit lower than an individual's income tax rates, especially as you take more money out of your company. So you can usually save taxes by using of corporate dollars whenever possible. Here's one great idea using your corporation to save on taxes - while also reducing the risk of health issues affecting the sustainability of your company.

What are your risks of paying higher taxes in an emergency?

Your most valuable asset is your ability to earn income. What are the chances of you being unable to work due to accident or illness? What about the risk of paying higher taxes if you're relying on withdrawing RRSPs for additional monies required - to pay for extra medical and non-medical expenses? What about if you have to get extra help or your family has to reduce work hours to help you out?

How to pay less taxes when you withdraw from your RRSP or RRIF (at retirement)

It‘s been said that one of the best tax-savings tools is also one of least known, least understood, and most under-utilized financial instruments (yes, that’s the Annuity).

4 Simple Steps that Can Help You Catch Up & Grow Your Retirement Savings

Do you wonder if you can ever retire or you'll be like the many older Canadians who are still dealing with high levels of debt? Here are some simple steps that you can take now to help you grow your retirement savings.

Six “Other Ways” to increase your income (or making extra money without needing to work excessive overtime)

When you talk about saving money for your retirement, for a special vacation or for your rainy day fund, most people automatically think of ways to reduce spending. There are however, 2 ways to balance a budget - reduce spending or increase earnings. For most people, talk of earning extra money means working overtime or getting another job. That can sometimes cost you more if you overextend yourself and get sick or too stressed out. This article talks about some other ways to increase your income (or cash) that may not-be-so-obvious or may not be top of mind.


Albert Einstein defines insanity as doing something over & over again and expecting different results. What have you been doing over & over the last few years that has not moved you closer to your financial goals? Why even bother with new years’ resolutions if you’ve usually just abandoned them after a few weeks? These 5 key steps gives a different perspective that can truly make a big difference to reaching your financial goals this year and beyond.



Taxation Changes for Life Insurance Create Tax-Savings Opportunities in 2016

Permanent life insurance, such as Whole Life or Universal Life, has long been accepted as a tax efficient way of accumulating cash for future needs. Soon the amount of funds that can be tax sheltered within a life insurance policy will be reduced by new tax rules which take effect January 1, 2017. These changes may make 2016 the best year to buy cash value life insurance.