What the Wealthy Know about Life Insurance
If you have ever thought that life insurance was something you wouldn’t need after you reached a certain level of financial security, you might be interested in knowing why many wealthy individuals still carry large amounts of insurance. Consider the following:

The Corporate Estate Transfer
If you are the owner of a successful company it is likely that you have retained profits or surplus cash in your corporation. If this is the case, chances are also good that this invested surplus is exposed to a high rate of corporate income tax. If this describes your company then you may be a candidate for the Corporate Estate Transfer. This strategy provides tax sheltered growth as well as maximizing the estate value of your company upon your death.

What is Key Person Insurance?
Most business owners understand that assets vital to the success of the enterprise should be insured. Premises are routinely covered for fire and/or theft; vehicles used to make deliveries, insured; machinery needed for manufacturing, also insured. Given that these tangible assets are instrumental in the success of the business, it makes good business sense that the business is protected in the event of a loss. But what about key employees? Many business owners overlook the impact on their business should a key employee die unexpectedly.

Segregated Funds or Mutual Funds
Segregated Funds or Mutual Funds? What's the difference?
We outline the difference between segregated and mutual funds in this video.

The Benefits of Converting Your Term Insurance to a Permanent Plan
Permanent life insurance can be a very effective estate planning & tax saving tool for your family and business. Converting an existing term insurance to permanent is an easy way to get that permanent coverage - and with the tax rules changing Jan 2017, you get a lot more tax-free benefits if you convert this year.

The Clock is Ticking so Don’t Miss the Deadline for Higher Tax Savings
2016 is an opportune year to buy life insurance. After this date, certain new policies will not have as much tax-free benefits as they currently do. This means policies approved and issued in 2016 are grandfathered with the higher tax-free benefits, but be aware that most insurance companies need about 3-4 months to get through this underwriting & approval process.

Estate Planning for Blended Families
In today’s family it is not unusual for spouses to enter the marriage with children from previous relationships. Parents work hard at getting these children to functionally blend together to create a happy family environment. Often overlooked is what happens on the death of one of the parents. In most cases special consideration for estate planning is needed to avoid relationship loss and possibly legal action.
Your Life Could Change in a Minute!

Pay Attention to Your Beneficiary Designation
Naming a beneficiary is a valuable feature of life insurance and segregated funds policies so it is important to carefully choose your beneficiaries.

Beyond Tax-Savings: The Benefits of an Estate Bond for your Estate Beneficiaries
This financial planning strategy replaces your taxable investments with tax-free insurance benefits to your heirs, by-passing your estate and probate fees and keeps this portion of your legacy gifts private.

Understanding your life insurance options
Most people would agree that life insurance is an integral part of any comprehensive financial plan. The question is how to decide on the best type for your needs. This document can help you understand the different types of insurance options and how to select the type of plan that best suits your needs for coverage.