The Clock is Ticking so Don’t Miss the Deadline for Higher Tax Savings
2016 is an opportune year to buy life insurance. After this date, certain new policies will not have as much tax-free benefits as they currently do. This means policies approved and issued in 2016 are grandfathered with the higher tax-free benefits, but be aware that most insurance companies need about 3-4 months to get through this underwriting & approval process.
Estate Planning for Blended Families
In today’s family it is not unusual for spouses to enter the marriage with children from previous relationships. Parents work hard at getting these children to functionally blend together to create a happy family environment. Often overlooked is what happens on the death of one of the parents. In most cases special consideration for estate planning is needed to avoid relationship loss and possibly legal action.
Your Life Could Change in a Minute!
Understanding your life insurance options
Most people would agree that life insurance is an integral part of any comprehensive financial plan. The question is how to decide on the best type for your needs. This document can help you understand the different types of insurance options and how to select the type of plan that best suits your needs for coverage.
What are your risks of paying higher taxes in an emergency?
Your most valuable asset is your ability to earn income. What are the chances of you being unable to work due to accident or illness? What about the risk of paying higher taxes if you're relying on withdrawing RRSPs for additional monies required - to pay for extra medical and non-medical expenses? What about if you have to get extra help or your family has to reduce work hours to help you out?
1 in 3 Canadians will become disabled before the age of 65
Having a source to replace your earned income in the event of an illness or accident is vital considering that on average, 1 in 3 Canadians will become disabled for a period of more than 90 days at least once before the age of 65. Having that source be tax-efficient and one that doesn't drain your retirement fund, is also critical to ensure you stay on track and not have to start from scratch when you recover.
A few seconds that can change your life
A few seconds could change your life - in a good way, or a bad way. My close call could have led to a much worse situation that could have severely affected my quality of life. So while we could all go through unfortunate situations that we can’t avoid, planning for the unexpected can help reduce the adverse impact on our quality of life.